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How can we measure the circularity of business models?

Discover our Guide, the result of our coalition's work to provide companies with a common framework for assessing and measuring their progress towards circular business models.

How can we measure the circularity of business models?

Measuring circularity can be complex , as the circular economy is multidimensional and companies are still struggling to grasp its full implications. However, it is necessary to define and use indicators to monitor progress in the circular economy and gain visibility on the circularity of incoming and outgoing flows.

Launched in March 2023 and led by Circul'R, the "Mesure de la Circularité" coalition brings together 16 major French companies who have collaborated to develop content to enable all businesses to measure and evaluate their progress towards a circular economy.

Today, we are pleased to unveil our Guide, which aims to provide a set of indicators to be used by both large and small businesses as a basis for understanding and a common language of the circular economy.

Available in open source, in French and English, this document is divided into two parts:

- The first addresses the "HOW/WHY" of the circular economy, using 12 indicators to measure progress towards circularity.

- The second helps us to understand the "WHY" of the circular economy, by proposing indicators to measure and assess the impact of circular economic models on social, economic and environmental issues.

This work is in line with our ambition to promote the circular economy using empirical evidence to demonstrate the relevance of its models.

Once again, we would like to thank all the members, experts and partners who have contributed to this collective action to drive forward the transition to a more sustainable and circular economy.

Download the Guide

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