Legal Notice and Cookie Management


Company name: CIRCUL'R
Head office: CIRCUL'R, 73 rue de la Tombe Issoire, 75014 Paris
SIRET: 53380708700028


Webflow, Inc.
398 11th Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Intellectual Property

All content on the CIRCUL'R website is covered by copyright. Any reproduction is therefore subject to the agreement of the author.

The reproduction or representation of all or part of these sites, on any medium whatsoever, is formally forbidden without the prior written agreement of the director of the publication.

You may, however, download or print on paper pages and/or parts of the CIRCUL'R site, for strictly personal use, as long as you do not delete the mentions relating to copyright or other mentions concerning intellectual property rights.

Downloading or any other form of copying information from the CIRCUL'R site does not give you any right to it. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (electronically or in any other way), modify or use the CIRCUL'R site for public or commercial purposes.

The name CIRCUL'R, as well as the logo corresponding to this name, is a registered trademark. You may not reproduce, delete, reuse or modify in any way these distinct signs when they appear on the pages of the site.

Cookie Policy

Google Analytics - Allows analysis of the use made of the website by its visitors. Privacy policy here:

Hubspot - Allows you to automate marketing actions, manage the publication of content and publish forms: you are asked for consent when submitting forms to collect your personal information.

Google Tag Manager - Facilitates marketing operations to be performed via the website

Google Advertising - Allows you to display Circul'R ads on third party sites consulted by visitors following a visit to the site. More here: https: //

Facebook Pixel - Allows personalization of editorial content on Facebook based on page views on the site. Privacy policy here: https: //