The Circul'R family

We are a close-knit and dynamic team that strives to place its expertise at the service of the transition of companies and territories towards a circular economy.

Photo team Circul'R
Greta Thunberg Manifesto
Jules & Raph
Jules and Raphaël during the first world tour of the circular economy

How did this whole thing start?

Jules Coignard and Raphaël Masvigner met in Mexico in 2013 while working for Airbus. Both passionate about the environment, they left their jobs a year later to carry out the first world tour of the circular economy. The idea is to prove that we have today all the solutions to develop in a sustainable way. After a 17-month trip to 22 countries where they met 150 circular economy startups, they returned to France to launch the social enterprise Circul'R in 2017. It aims in particular to build the first global network of circular economy startups to accelerate the transition from a linear economy (take-consume-throw) to a circular economy, respectful of people and the planet.

In 2022, the Circul'R family has grown: the team now counts more than 30 people who accompany companies and territories in their transformation every day. This mission is carried out with the support of the network of more than 1000 solution providers and experts that make up the Circul'R ecosystem!

Why we believe in the circular economy?

The circular economy is nothing but common sense. It invites us to use natural resources in an intelligent way to stop producing waste. Nature embodies the perfect circular model: nothing is lost, everything is transformed. Each individual creates added value for the natural ecosystem and the waste of some, makes the resources of others.

Through the circular economy, significant improvements can be achieved quickly by companies while creating a positive social, environmental and economic impact. It's a win-win operation. That's why we firmly believe that this is the economic model we need to build a sustainable economy that respects people and the planet.

Conference at TEDxCADBrussels: How circular economy entrepreneurs drive the change

Strong commitments that drive us every day

Flexible telecommuting, mobility policy, menstrual leave: we are committed to aligning our ways of working with changes in the professional world and the aspirations of our employees. This commitment is reflected in our values:

Rainbow radio
Spreading positive waves
Backpack - Exploration
Explore for
Victory symbol
Aiming for excellence
Small bird in the palm of a hand
Sharing is
taking care
Sara Bonnet
Sara Bonnet
Director of Communications
Gaspard Heintz
Gaspard Heintz
Partnership Officer
Maeva Boudou
Maeva Boudou
Adrien Liagre
Adrien Liagre
Director of Development
Diane Cadet Fauvel
Diane Cadet Fauvel
Project Manager Club Circul'R
Clément Pecastaings
Clément Pecastaings
Director of Training
Mélie Ladeveze
Mélie Ladeveze
Development Manager
Kevin Chen
Kevin Chen
Director of Consulting
Marie-Caroline Berthier
Marie-Caroline Berthier
Jules Coignard
Jules Coignard
François Marques
François Marques
In charge of development
Claire Batbedat
Claire Batbedat
Jérémie Bonhomme
Jérémie Bonhomme
Director Circular Public Policy
Raphaël Masvigner
Raphaël Masvigner
Louis Pellet
Louis Pellet
Maëlle Monnet
Maëlle Monnet
Caroline Schibler
Caroline Schibler
Melissa Djaouzi
Melissa Djaouzi
Head of Collective Intelligence
Quentin Predignac
Quentin Predignac
Managing Consultant
Caroline Lecouturier
Caroline Lecouturier
Managing Consultant
Stéphanie Talevis
Stéphanie Talevis
Director of Human Resources
Eva Grandemange
Eva Grandemange
Hortense Brunier
Hortense Brunier
Director, Club Circul'R

Our publications in the press

From the collection Parutions Presse consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Published on 
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From the collection Parutions Presse consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Published on 
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From the collection Parutions Presse consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Published on 
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From the collection Parutions Presse consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Published on 
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From the collection Parutions Presse consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Published on 
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Published on 
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Circular economy: 30 indicators to track and improve your business

Published on 
August 28, 2024
See the article
The Good

Responsible communication: 9 major companies make a commitment

Published on 
July 16, 2024
See the article

Creation of a business coalition dedicated to circular economy communication

Published on 
June 27, 2024
See the article
La Presse Tunisia

The circular economy: a lever for economic, social and environmental progress

Published on 
June 18, 2024
See the article
France Inter

Circul'R returns to France with deposit system

Published on 
June 15, 2024
See the article
GF Mag

Circul'R launches a tool to measure the eco-design of POP displays

Published on 
May 17, 2024
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1st Circular Alliance Awards launched Circul'R

Published on 
April 16, 2024
See the article
L'Usine Nouvelle

Reuse: how will the experiment involving eleven cosmetics companies work?

Published on 
February 7, 2024
See the article
Europe 1

Glass container deposits: the world of cosmetics makes a commitment!

Published on 
January 31, 2024
See the article
Environnement Magazine

Instructions on cosmetics packaging: 11 major companies take action

Published on 
January 31, 2024
See the article
Fashion Network

France's cosmetics industry turns its attention to deposits

Published on 
January 31, 2024
See the article
Premium Beauty News

Leading French beauty players team up to explore packaging return scheme

Published on 
January 29, 2024
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Following in the footsteps of the agri-food industry, cosmetics companies are now turning their attention to deposits.

Published on 
January 25, 2024
See the article

Reduced VAT on repairs could soon be applied in France

Published on 
November 24, 2023
See the article
The Good

5 tips from Raphaël Masvigner for rethinking your business model in circular mode

Published on 
April 10, 2023
See the article

EDF, BNP Paribas, Veolia and five other companies launch a think tank on measuring the circular economy

Published on 
March 29, 2023
See the article
The Good

Eight major French companies commit to effective circularity measurement

Published on 
March 20, 2023
See the article
Les Echos

ADP declares war on plastic at Orly airport

Published on 
March 10, 2023
See the article

Menstrual leave, a tool for equality

Published on 
March 7, 2023
See the article
Les Echos

Data, a lever for accelerating the circular economy

Published on 
March 6, 2023
See the article

Agriculture and research need time to produce more and better

Published on 
February 26, 2023
See the article
Le Monde des Grandes Ecoles

ESCP x Circul'R launch the new "Circular Economy Leader" program

Published on 
January 7, 2023
See the article
Executive Mail

Training managers in the circular economy

Published on 
December 1, 2022
See the article
The World

Opinion column: "We need to think systemically about the circular economy and turn it into a new paradigm".

Published on 
November 18, 2022
See the article
La Croix

Interview Raphaël Masvigner: flee polluting industries or change them from within?

Published on 
June 2, 2022
See the article

The circular economy campaigns

Published on 
March 14, 2022
See the article

Green Reflex: The challenge of the circular economy to CAC40 companies

Published on 
March 4, 2022
See the article
Les Echos Planete

My luminous journey on board the Jagriti Yatra

Published on 
February 7, 2022
See the article
The Guardian

Twitter list: top circular economy accounts to follow

Published on 
February 1, 2022
See the article
The World

If you are interested in the reuse of waste, don't hesitate to follow the (...)

Published on 
December 20, 2021
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Le Figaro

These young people go around the world to promote the circular economy

Published on 
November 11, 2021
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Two young utopians take on the circular economy

Published on 
October 28, 2021
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La Voix du Nord

"The world will not change if we keep the same value indicators.

Published on 
October 2, 2021
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We Demain

At 27, they complete the first world tour of the circular economy

Published on 
September 28, 2021
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Startups that are changing the world: Circul'R turns the economy around

Published on 
August 10, 2021
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Europe 1

Waste recycling: three countries that France could learn from

Published on 
July 13, 2021
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Circul'R: the circular economy has its world tour!

Published on 
May 9, 2021
See the article
France 2

(Télématin) 17 months of travel, 22 countries, 100 innovative initiatives (...)

Published on 
April 6, 2021
See the article