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Communication and the circular economy: 9 companies get involved!

Circul'R, with the support of ADEME, is launching the first coalition of major companies dedicated to circular economy communications.

Communication and the circular economy: 9 companies get involved!

In response to the urgent need for action on the environment, increasing regulatory obligations and growing consumer expectations, Circul'R, with the support of ADEME, is launching the first coalition of major companies dedicated to circular economy communications . This initiative brings together 9 different types of players: major companies that integrate circular economy principles into their business models (Renault Group, Legrand, MAM Baby and L'Occitane en Provence), a major communications agency (HAVAS Paris), and eco-organizations (Citeo, ecosystem, Refashion and Valdelia) to redefine communications strategies in favor of a more sustainable economy.


The circular economy is a model that aims to preserve natural resources, minimize waste production, reduce CO2 emissions and preserve biodiversity. As such, it represents a prime opportunity to respond to current environmental challenges. According to a survey by Bain & Company and the World Economic Forum, 35% of executives ranked circularity among their organization's highest priorities in 2022, underlining its growing importance.

However, it appears that companies are finding it difficult to communicate their environmental commitments: out of 1,100 checks carried out by the DGCCRF in May 2023, over a quarter of communications were non-compliant.

In light of these findings, it is clear that companies need to be supported in their circular economy communication strategies, and thus be in a position to : 

  • Meet national and European regulatory requirements (duty of care, AGEC law, Climate and Resilience law, Green Claims Directive and CSRD) that require companies to provide clear, accurate and non-misleading information about their circular economy strategies, and the environmental characteristics of their products and packaging.
  • Help promote new consumption patterns among the French, 77% of whom believe that featuring eco-responsible gestures and practices in advertising can encourage them to adopt sustainable behaviors.
  • Breaking out of the "carbon tunnel" observed in many communication strategies, which focus primarily on reducing carbon emissions, whereas the circular economy makes it possible to address other planetary limits, such as preserving biodiversity, saving water or conserving resources. Thus, strategies must not only aim to reduce carbon emissions, but also integrate a more holistic and transparent approach to environmental sustainability. The French Climate and Resilience Act prohibits the use of the term "carbon neutrality" in corporate communications, to avoid any confusion or greenwashing.


Over the coming months, the coalition's member organizations (Renault Group, Havas Paris, Legrand, MAM Baby and a leading brand in the cosmetics industry) will benefit from the expertise of the coalition's member eco-organizations (Citeo, ecosystem, Refashion, and Valdelia) and Circul'R teams to collectively reflect on best practices for communicating transparently and effectively on circular product and service approaches and offers .

Supported by ADEME, the coalition's work will culminate in the publication of a Circular Economy Communication Guide by the end of 2024. This guide will follow on from the

‍Guidede la communication responsable de l'ADEME and will include an overview of legislation, sector-specific examples and strategies for promoting circular actions.

According to Raphaël Masvigner, co-founder of Circul'R, "faced with the environmental challenges we face, communication and marketing are forced to evolve. It's no longer a question of promoting consumption, but of raising awareness, educating and encouraging the adoption of circular economy practices such as reuse, second-hand, rental or repair, which help preserve resources, limit waste production and CO2 emissions. Communicating on these subjects may seem obvious for brands that have built their business on these new models, but we have observed that it is more complex for companies whose transformation is still in progress. Through this coalition, our ambition is to support marketing and communication professionals in making these new models desirable to their various audiences."