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Apply for the Circular Alliances Awards!

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Trophées des Alliances Circulaires in partnership with Bpifrance Le Hub.

Apply for the Circular Alliances Awards!

Why Trophies?

The Trophées des Alliances Circulaires aim to reward the most promising and effective collaborations between different economic players in the field of the circular economy .

Through this initiative, we want to both highlight exemplary actions that contribute to more sustainable resource management, and inspire a wider movement towards practices that enable a profound and sustainable transformation of our economy .

Our conviction

Collaboration between economic players is not only desirable, it's absolutely necessary if we are to break free of the linear logic that guides our economy .

Highlighting the joint efforts of companies, public players and solution providers to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, is a way of underlining the benefits of joining forces.

How to apply

The competition is aimed at a wide range of players involved in the transition to the circular economy: companies of all sizes, innovative startups, public institutions, NGOs, associations and local authorities .

We encourage entries from those who have implemented collaborative projects aimed at reducing environmental impact, optimizing resource use, or promoting innovative circular business models . (More details available in the Regulations)


Application deadline: Thursday, March 7, 2024

Application deadline: Friday, June 7, 2024

Announcement to pre-selected candidates: Monday, September 23, 2024

Awards ceremony: October 2024