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Inspire Conferences

Conference presentation

The aim is to inspire your employees and managers to get involved in the circular economy.


Target audience: Company employees or COMEX members (unlimited number of participants)

Location: Digital or on-site at your company


A one-hour conference to raise awareness of circular economy issues

Understand: our conferences focus on concrete examples to enable you to measure the economic, social and environmental impact of the circular economy on your business sector.‍

Inspire: thanks to their backgrounds and experience in supporting over a hundred organizations from a wide range of sectors, our speakers are committed to sharing the success stories that bear witness to the fact that a circular transition is possible.‍

Encourage: beyond inspiration, Inspire conferences aim to give participants concrete tools to encourage action.


Example of a sequence of events

How to reconcile economy, environment and society?

Discover success stories, issues in developing countries and tomorrow's innovations through an interactive format and unique storytelling: that of a world tour.

  1. Part 1: Storytelling
  2. Part 2: The challenges of the circular economy
  3. Part 3 : Presentation of solutions applicable to your business sector
  4. Part 4: How to take concrete action?
  5. Part 5: Questions & discussions