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Circular business models

Training Objectives:

  • Know the different types of circular business models and be able to cite concrete examples
  • Discover the key success factors for successful circular BMs
  • Identify the first BM evolution tracks for your activity 


Audience and necessary pre-requisites:

Training from 3 to 7 people open to all. In short, anyone who can have an environmental impact in their organization or who wants to understand the circular economy.


The course of the training

Module 1: Circular Business Models, what are we talking about?

Why business as usual is not a winning strategy for the future?

  • Planetary limits
  • The linear model is losing its resilience

Reminder on the key principles of the circular economy

  • The Butterfly and the pillars of ADEME
  • The Value Hills

The different types of circular BM illustrated by concrete examples

Module 2: How to deploy circular business models?   

Key success factors for circular WBs

  • Case study: a successful transition to a circular model 

Which circular business models are relevant to your business (collaborative workshop)

Duration and terms:

  • 1/2 day digital or face-to-face training (Ile-de-France region)
  • Free : The Circular Odyssey in free access for 30 days